A valid Photo Membership Card of the affiliated parent Club must be produced to the reception at the time of entry.
In absence of photo membership card, an introduction letter from the parent Club would be necessary along with parent Club Identity Card.
Details are to be entered in the Reciprocal Club Members' Register maintained by the duty clerk at the Reception.
Only those Members, (which will include their wives, children under 25 years of age) of the affiliated/reciprocal Club having reciprocal arrangements, are entitled to the benefits/facilities of using of the reciprocal Clubs subject to all rules and regulations as applicable to members of the respective Clubs.
All payments for guest fees, food supplies, sports activities and other charges, will be as per the prevailing rules and rates are payable by members in cash/credit card and no credit accounting shall be allowed.
While signing vouchers in the member's name, Parent Club membership number is to be clearly indicated.
All Payments will be made and accepted in Indian Rupees (INR) Only
Reciprocating Club member is allowed to bring immediate members of their family as abovementioned along with individual Parent Club I-Card.
RReciprocating Club members are NOT allowed to bring any guests, unless the visiting member obtains a prior written permission of the Parent Club Authorities.